Three days of hands-on community building workshops with APOLLO OUTREACH a media outreach organization from Northeast Ohio
Monday, June 3, 4:00 - 7:00pm
Presentation of Apollo Outreach
Claudio Orso and Rian Brown will give an overview of the various youth programs they have done in the Cleveland area, including some amazing films and animations made by kids. (30 min)
Paper Making Workshop: “Each One Teach Two”
Claudio Orso will set up a hands on workshop for people of all ages to make beautiful handmade colorful paper. He will provide the supplies and teach this exciting hands on inclusive process that will allow each new learner to teach their friends. The handmade paper that is produced will dry overnight and will be used in the Stop-Motion Animation workshop the next day. (approx. 2-3 hours)
Tuesday, June 4, 4:00 - 7:00pm
Storytelling Workshop with Stop-Motion Animation
Using the paper that they made the day before participants of any age can start with writing a short poem or story about their family or their neighborhood. We will do a hands-on demonstration using our cameras and stop-motion animation software. We will have them record their story with audio recorders and have teams help to animate the images of their short story or poem using paper, paint, toys, fabrics, buttons, glitter, tape, yarn, flowers and our huge array of art supplies and fun gadgets. This activity is open for all ages. It allows for many kinds of entry points into the process, visual, aural, and artistic without the need to overwhelm with complex technology. (approx. 2-3 hours)
Wednesday, June 5, 4:00 - 7:00pm
PlayTime! Workshop with Green Screen
Playtime! is a hands on media making and improv workhop we have done for many years as an after school program for all ages. We will set up Stop Motion animation stations and a big portable“Green Screen” and cameras and costumes which will allow for for participants to film some fun fantastical scenes, and then be able to “insert” their own backgrounds. (approx. 2-3 hours)
Grand Finale Homemade Pasta Making Dinner and Screening
Claudio and Rian will show how to make homemade tagliatelle pasta from scratch. A fun hands on process of making the dough, and rolling it out int long strips using an Italian pasta maker. Once it’s dry we will put it in a pot and cook it for all!
Followed by a screening of all the films made during the workshop!
Learn more about Apollo Outreach >>
Please RSVP with Program Coordinator, Whitney Jones at or 575.650.6803.